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VIX's news

Notice of trading holiday on the occasion of Lunar New Year 2023


Regarding the trading break on the occasion of Lunar New Year 2023

– Pursuant to Official Dispatch No. 8235/UBCK-PTTT dated December 12, 2022 of the State Securities Commission on the Lunar New Year holiday and National Day holiday in 2023 ;

– Pursuant to Notice No. 2208/TB -SGDHCM dated December 13, 2022 on the announcement of the trading holiday schedule in 2023 of the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange;

– Pursuant to Notice No. 3451/TB-SGDHN dated December 14, 2022 on the announcement of the trading holiday schedule in 2023 of the Hanoi Stock Exchange;

– Pursuant to Notice No. 81/TB-VSD dated January 10, 2023 on the holiday from work on the occasion of Lunar New Year 2023 of the Vietnam Securities Depository Center;

– Pursuant to the Labor Law.

VIX Securities Joint Stock Company respectfully announces the trading holiday schedule on the occasion of Lunar New Year to customers, partners and employees of the Company as follows:

VIX Securities Joint Stock Company will close trading from Friday, January 20, 2023 (December 29, 2022 on the lunar calendar) until Thursday, January 26, 2023 (ie the 5th day of the Lunar New Year) and organize transactions to return to normal, answer customers’ questions during the holiday period from Friday, January 27, 2023 (ie the 6th day of the Lunar New Year).

On the occasion of the Year of the Cat 2023, we wish our customers, partners and employees of the Company a New Year of Peace – Happiness – Success .

Best regards!

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