UPCOM trading regulations

UPCOM trading regulations

Session Transaction method Time frame
Morning session Continuous auction 09:00 – 11:30
Put-through transactions 09:00 – 11:30
Break time 11:30 – 13:00
Afternoon session Continuous auction 13:00 – 15:00
Put-through transactions 13:00 – 15:00

Continuous auction: is a trading method performed by the system on the basis of matching buy and sell orders of securities as soon as the order is entered into the trading system. the matching price is the price of the corresponding limit orders waiting on the order book.

Put-through transaction: a trading method in which the buyer and seller agree on the trading conditions, then notify the securities company to record the transaction results into the trading system. Or the buyer/seller goes through a securities company to find a counterparty trading partner.”


Price priority:

Buy orders with higher prices are given priority to be executed first.
Sell ​​orders at lower prices are prioritized for execution first.

Time priority:

In case the buy or sell orders have the same price, the order entered into the trading system first will be given priority for execution.”

For round lots: 100 shares

Odd lot trading units with volume from 01 to 99 shares are carried out by both order matching and put-through methods.

Trading unit for put-through transactions: 01 share.

Put-through transactions and odd-lot transactions are not allowed on the first trading day of newly listed stocks or the day of resumption of trading after a 25-day trading suspension until a reference price is established from the results of the continuous order matching method.

Quotation unit for stocks: 100 VND
The quoted price unit for put-through transactions is 01 VND.

The trading order is a limit order (LO). A limit order is valid from the time it is entered into the trading registration system until it is canceled or until the end of the trading period.
The LO order is:
An order to buy shares at a specified price or lower than a specified price;
An order to sell shares at a specified price or higher.

1. Modify or cancel matched trading orders:

Editing or canceling continuously matched trading orders is only valid for unexecuted orders or the remainder of unexecuted orders.

2. LO orders are allowed to modify price, volume and cancel orders during the transaction period. The order of order priority after editing is determined as follows:

  1. The priority order of the order remains unchanged if only the volume is changed or reduced.
  2. Order priority is calculated from the time the correction order is entered into the trading system for cases of correction to increase volume and/or correct price.

3. Modify/cancel put-through trading orders:

  • Transaction orders that have been placed on the trading system are not allowed to be canceled.
  • During the transaction, in case the Securities Company representative enters an incorrect order, the order can only be corrected if the investor’s original order is presented; agreed by the counterparty and approved by the Hanoi Stock Exchange.